Dassault Systems Catia V5r18 SP6 簡體中文/法/德/義/日/韓文正式版(CAD/CAE/CAM 一體化軟體)(DVD版)
Copy the .dll from \FoRTuNe on DVD to your installation directory
and overwrite it
CATIA 是法國 Dassault System 公司的 CAD/CAE/CAM 一體化軟體,居世界 CAD/
CAE/CAM 領域的領導地位,廣泛應用於航空航太、汽車製造、造船、機械製造、電子
DMU 電子樣機模組功能及混合建模技術更是推動著企業競爭力和生產力的提高。CATIA
CATIA V5 版本是 IBM 和達索系統公司長期以來在為數位化企業服務過程中不斷探索
的結晶。圍繞數位化產品和電子商務集成概念進行系統結構設計的 CATIA V5 版本,
品在整個生命週期中的使用和維護。CATIA V5 版本具有:
1. 重新構造的新一代體系結構
為確保 CATIA 產品系列的發展,CATIA V5 新的體系結構突破傳統的設計技術,採用
2. 支援不同應用層次的可擴充性
CATIA V5 對於開發過程、功能和硬體平台可以進行靈活的搭配組合,可為產品開發鏈
3. 與 NT 和 UNIX 硬體平台的獨立性
CATIA V5 是在 Windows NT 平台和 UNIX 平台上開發完成的,並在所有所支援的硬體
平台上具有統一的數據、功能、版本發放日期、操作環境和應用支援。CATIA V5 在
Windows 平台的應用可使設計師更加簡便地同辦公應用系統共享數據;而 UNIX 平台
上 NT 風格的用戶界面,可使用戶在 UNIX 平台上高效地處理複雜的工作。
4. 專用知識的捕捉和重複使用
CATIA V5 結合了顯式知識規則的優點,可在設計過程中交互式捕捉設計意圖,定義產
5. 給現存客戶平穩升級
CATIA V4 和 V5 具有相容性,兩個系統可並行使用。對於現有的 CATIA V4 用戶,V5
引領他們邁向 NT 世界。對於新的 CATIA V5 客戶,可充分利用 CATIA V4 成熟的後
CATIA V5 is the leading product development solution for all
manufacturing organizations, from OEMs through their supply chains to
small independent producers. The range of its capabilities allows
CATIA V5 to be applied in a wide variety of industries, such as
aerospace, automotive, industrial machinery, electrical, electronics,
shipbuilding, plant design, and consumer goods, including design for
such diverse products as jewelry and clothing.
CATIA V5 is the only solution capable of addressing the complete
product development process, from product concept specifications
through product-in-service, in a fully integrated and associative
manner. It facilitates true collaborative
Engineering across the
multi-disciplinary extended enterprise, including style and form
design, mechanical design and equipment and systems
managing digital mock-up, machining, analysis, and simulation.
CATIA products are based on the open, scalable V5 architecture.
By enabling enterprises to reuse product design knowledge and
accelerate development cycles, CATIA V5 helps companies speed their
responses to market needs and helps free users to focus on creativity
and innovation.
Dassault Systems Catia V5r18 SP6 64BIT 簡體中文/法/德/義/日/韓文正式版(CAD/CAE/CAM 一體化軟體)(DVD版)
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Dassault Systemes CATIA P3 V5-6R2017 GA 含 SP6 升級 設計、造型模組 英文/簡體中文版(2CD)
Dassault Systems Catia V5R18 SP7 簡體/法/德/義/日/韓文多國語言正式版(DVD版)(CAD/CAE/CAM一體化軟體)
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